How to Bring Healing Energy to the Ears from a Chinese Medicine Perspective

How to Bring Healing Energy to the Ears from a Chinese Medicine Perspective

According to Chinese medicine, hearing and the ears are related to the water element and the kidneys. Therefore, to bring healing energy to the ears, it is essential to focus on nourishing the kidneys. In this article, we will explore various ways to bring healing energy to the ears from a Chinese medicine perspective.

Acupressure Points behind the Earlobe

One of the best ways to bring healing energy to the ears is by working on pressure points behind the earlobe. Triple Burner 17 is a powerful acupressure point that can be massaged to clear congestion in the ears efficiently. Rubbing up and down behind and in front of the ear can also help to clear blockages, while squeezing and stretching the ears can increase the space in the ear canal. There are 161 acupressure points in the ears, which reflect the whole body.

Flowing Movements to Nourish the Body

To bring energy flow to the kidneys, adopt the shoulder-width Fountain stance and perform flowing movements that nourish the body and calm the nervous system. The back of the hands face each other, inhale, and float the hands up, circle around the Fountain, exhale, and repeat. This will help to distribute energy throughout the body and nourish the kidneys to bring healing energy to the ears.

Directing Healing Energy to the Ears

Finally, it is essential to direct healing energy to the ears with hands that are a few inches apart. Glide the hands away from the head, back and forth, to send warmth and energy to the ears. This proactive form of self-healing can direct healing energy where it is needed most. Repeat this routine often to bring healing energy to your ears.

In conclusion, understanding the relationship between the kidneys and ears in Chinese medicine has made it possible to bring healing energy to the ears. By massaging acupressure points behind the earlobe, performing flowing movements to nourish the body and calm the nervous system, and directing healing energy to the ears, you can take proactive steps to improve your ear’s health. Incorporate these techniques into your self-care routine for optimal results.